New To Spray Painting? - Learn With Water!
It’s easier than you think, but like all things new, understanding and a bit of practice goes a long way. I recommend practising with at least 10 litres of water and taking your time.
Water has a huge advantage over paint – you can make as many mistakes as you want without it costing you time and money!
The following instructions assume you have already completed the previous steps and are ready to have a go. (links to previous steps at bottom of page).
Step 3
Part 1 - The Pendulum
Always spray at a 90° angle to the surface you are painting – this provides even, consistent application.
If you over reach, your distance to the surface will change and the angle will create excessive overspray – I call this penduluming. I recommend practising this wrong on purpose so you can see where the overspray ends up if not spraying straight on - It’s ok with water, but a nightmare with paint!
Lastly if you have an extension wand – practise with and without it.
Part 2 - Even Flow
If you watch videos you will see painters always have a nice flow and are moving at a consistent pace. This is regardless of whether it’s a massive ceiling or a door frame.
Start moving the spray gun toward the surface you want to spray, timing the pulling of the trigger to start applying the water as you reach the surface.
Move in one fluid motion, releasing the trigger as you come to the end of the surface.
Repeat with a 50% overlap on the previous run.
Practise this until it’s comfortable
Buying an airless spray unit is an investment and an expensive one at that, if you have any questions, doubts or just want some no pressure advice please get in touch. Contact Matt